Sunday 6 December 2009

Radio Show Analysis 2

Oxford, Heart FM, 102.6


Toby Anstis


Pauses, Slang and Catchphrases

§      “Fulfilling your musical need for the day, with me, Toby Anstis”

§      Catchphrases used frequently


About The Record

§      “Another delightful tune from Mika there, that’s as depressing as Mika’s songs get, and it still made me smile”


About The Listener

§      Accepts phone calls and texts from listeners

§      “Hi there janine, what are you up to?”


Digression to another Subject

§      “So who’s been watching X factor this week? Text in with your thoughts on who should win”

§      Digresses to another subject but still keeps it linked with the show


Say what’s coming up

§      “We’ve got some Take That coming on after the break”


Promoting Other Shows

§      “I was listening to Jason Donovan on Heart the other day, you should all listen”



§      Conversation between tracks seems labored and/or rehearsed


Positive Comments

§      Popular selection of songs

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Radio Show Analysis

Red Dragon FM-Cardiff/South Wales

Tony Scott

Pauses, Slang and Catchphrases
· “Biggest hits from the welsh capital” used as a catchphrase by presenter
· “South Wales number 1 hit record show”
· Catchphrases used after almost every song

About The Record
· “Jason Derula there, our number 1 last night, great track, will he be there tonight?”

About The Listener
· On the phone to listener in between tracks
· “I think you should get back to work Dave”
· “A big happy birthday to Matthew Bowyer, big thanks for that”
· Happily accepts phone calls and texts on the show

Digression to another Subject
· “As you know, Red Dragon is THE welsh radio show representing the X factor…”
· Linking the show to other topics

Say what’s coming up
· “Lady Gaga up next, she’s playing the X Factor next week, speaking of the X Factor, we’ve got a bit of news coming up”
· “Got Pixie Lott to come, but over to Matt with the weather after the break”
· “Kings Of Leon coming up after Pixie Lott”

Promoting Other Shows
· “Remember to tune in tomorrow morning for Kam and Sally at breakfast!”

· Presenter attempts to cram a lot of points into a small gap in the show, sometimes losing the listener
· Very few pauses/breaks between songs, some listeners may see this as a positive aspect of the show, yet it leaves little time for the presenter to connect with the audience

Positive Comments
· Smooth transition between songs, be it by using show clips or jingles, or simply fading into the next song
· News and Weather section, music in background

Monday 19 October 2009


Semiotics, also called semiotic studies or semiology, is the study of sign processes (semiosis), or signification and communication, signs and symbols, into three branches:
Semantics: Relation between signs and the things to which they refer; their denotata
Syntactics: Relation of signs to each other in formal structures
Pragmatics: Relation of signs to their impacts on those who use them
Semiotics is frequently seen as having important anthropological dimensions, for example Umberto Eco proposes that every cultural phenomenon can be studied as communication. However, some semioticians focus on the logical dimensions of the science. They examine areas belonging also to the natural sciences - such as how organisms make predictions about, and adapt to, their semiotic niche in the world (see semiosis). In general, semiotic theories take signs or sign systems as their object of study: the communication of information in living organisms is covered in biosemiotics or zoosemiosis.
Syntactics is the branch of semiotics that deals with the formal properties of signs and symbols.[1] More precisely, syntactics deals with the "rules that govern how words are combined to form phrases and sentences."[2] Charles Morris adds that semantics deals with the relation of signs to their designata and the objects which they may or do denote; and, pragmatics deals with the biotic aspects of semiosis, that is, with all the psychological, biological, and sociological phenomena which occur in the functioning of signs.

Monday 5 October 2009

Media-Radio Update

Radio Work Completed-

-Jingle recorded
-Rough timeline of show completed

Radio Work To Be Completed-

-Record full show
-Decide on songs

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Radio Timeline

1888: Heinrich Hertz detects and produces radio waves. 1894: Marchese Guglielmo Marconi builds his first radio equipment, a device that will ring a bell from 30 ft. away. 1899: Marconi establishes first radio link between England and France. 1900: American scientist R.A. Fessenden transmists human speech via radiowaves. 1901: Marconi transmits telegraphic radio messages from Cornwall to Newfoundland 1903: Valdemar Poulsen patents an arc transmission that generates continuous radio waves, producing a frequency of 100 kHz and receivable over 150 miles. 1904: First radio transmission of music at Graz, Austria. 1905: Marconi invents the directional radio antennae. 1906: First radio program of voice and music broadcast in the U.S. (by R.A. Fessenden) 1907: Fessenden invents a high-frequency electric generator that produces radio waves with a frequency of 100 kHz. 1908: GE develops a 100 kHz, 2 kW alternator for radio communication. 1910: Radio communications gain publicity when the captain of the Montrose alerts Scotland via radio of an escaping criminal. 1913: The cascade-tuning radio receiver and the heterodyne receiver are introduced. 1914: Edwin Armstrong patents a radio receiver circuit with positive feedback. Part of the amplified high-frequency signal is fed back to the tuning circuit to enhance selectivity and sensitivity. 1918: Armstrong develops the superheterodyne radio receiver. The principle for this receiver is the basis for all radio receivers now in use.A 200 kW alternator starts operating at Station NFF, the Naval station in New Brunswick NJ, which was the most powerful radio transmitter of the time. 1919: Shortwave radio is developed. RCA is founded. 1920: KDKA broadcasts the first regular licensed radio broadcast out of Pittsburgh, PA. 1921: RCA starts operating Radio Central on Long Island.The American Radio League establishes contact via a shortwave radio with Paul Godley in Scotland, proving that shortwave radio can be used for long distance communication. 1922: March: WWJ, an AM station in Detroit, offers the University of Michigan broadcasting rights for extension lectures. 1923: UM's Professor Dreese submits a proposal for several UM operated stations. His proposal was tabled by the Regents, who were not concerned with radio at the time. 1924: Dreese instead runs experimental station WCBC as a project in the basement of West Engineering. This project died at the end of the academic year.1925: WJR-AM offers educational broadcasting spots to the UM. The UM continued to broadcast on WWJ as well. 1928: A radio statio in NYC, WRNY begins to broadcast television shows. 1931: The UM School of Music pursues the idea of radio as education. It taught school band lessons via radio. 1933: Educational programming originating at the UM grows. The Regents of the UM become interested in radio. WJR cuts the UM's educational broadcasts for commercial broadcasting.Edward Armstrong patents wide-band frequency modulation (FM radio). 1935: FM radio is born, but only in mono. 1938: The FCC sets aside educational/non-profit bandwidth on FM. 1941: Oct.10: Columbia University's Radio Club opens the first regularly scheduled FM station. 1943: The UM decides it needs an FM station, and expresses a commitment to radio broadcasting. 1945: Television is born. FM is moved from its original home of 42-50 Mhz to 88-108 Mhz to make room for TV. 1946: There are six TV stations in the nation. 1948: The UM starts its first station, known as Michigan Radiom or WUOM.The Regents publish a mandate for broadcasting.WOUM is no outlet for studen broadcasting, so student radio clubs form and create small studios in East Quadrangle and West Quadrangle. These studios broadcast on AM to their respective buildings via carrier current. 1950: A small studio is created in the newly-erected South Quadrangle. 1952: Sony offers a miniature transistor radio. This is one of the first mass-produced consumer AM/FM radios. The studios in the UM dormitories jorn forces, and "The Campus Broadcasting Network" is born as WCBN-AM. 1953: Advertising is accepted on WCBN-AM. 1954: The number of radio receivers in the world exceeds the number of newspapers printed daily. 1956: WCBN hosts the first National Association of College Broadcasters. 1957: CBN moves into the new Student Activities Building, and its studios start to become centralized.Allan Ginsberg's controvesial poem, "Howl" is broadcast for the first time. 1961: FCC approves FM stereo broadcasting, which spurs FM development. 1962: United States radio stations begin broadcasting in stereophonic sound. 1965: WCBN studios are completely centralized in the SAB. CBN's identity becomes stronger as its programming becomes increasingly eclectic and challenging. 1969: WCBN starts to think about purchasing an FM transmitter.FM is deemed necessary to reach off-campus students and the community at large. CBN's audience is a different audience from WUOM's, so there would be no competition.February: WCBN's Program Director announces that programming will be designed to meet the needs of the audience, not the needs of the air staff. 1970: The Inter-Cooperative Council (ICC) has a CBN carrier current loop installed into its North Campus residence. 1971: FM plans are finalized for WCBN. February: The UM Regents approves plans for WCBN-FM, and building begins. 1972: January 23 :WCBN-FM 89.5 FM is born, broadcasting at 10 watts. WCBN-AM is maintained, and adopts a "60's Gold" format. 1977: Frequency change for WCBN takes place (from 89.5FM to 88.3FM). November: The Sex Pistols' Never Mind the Bollocks is released. "Things change." --Ken Freedman1978: U-M President Robben Fleming urges that WCBN should be used only for educational purposes and restricted to students only. 1979: February: First WCBN fundraiser is organized by Ann Rebentisch, and raises $5,000. 1980: CBN plays "It's my Party" by Leslie Gore for 18 hours straight the day after Reagan is elected. 1981: FCC complaint against CBN filed by disgruntled staffers. The FCC takes it very seriously but does not level a fine. 1986: In Europe, FM radio stations begin to use the subcarrier signal of FM radio to transmit digital data. This RDS (radio data system) is used to transmit messages on display screens to radios.1987: At WJJX (WCBN's AM counterpart), a student DJ is fired for broadcasting a series of racist jokes.1988: The U-M decides to oust non-students from WCBN. WCBN airs Allan Ginsberg's Howl. 1992: In Paris an experimental digital FM transmitter begins operation. 1993: In the US, FM radio stations begin to use the RDS already in place in Europe.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

The Killer Biscuits (AS Media Homework)

Scientists have discovered that an estimated 25 million adults have been injured whilst eating biscuits during their break, with 500 being sent to hospital.

15 types of biscuit were tested, with Custard Creams being the worst offender.

Have a giggle over this one.